October 11, 2006 At Palpung Sherab Ling Edited by Thögapa Son\g Editing & Translation Team
(Sorry, but some portion\s of the audio recording were not clear enough for us to transcribe. However, we have tried our best to present the essential points. )
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The Rinchen Terzod ¡°lung¡± is completely finished today. I would like to tell you a little bit about the Rinchen Terzod ¡°lung¡± and also a little bit about samaya.
The root of samaya comes from devotion. That¡¯s why I would like to tell you a little bit about devotion and also a little bit about our guru Tai Situ Rinpoche – kind of like story about Tai Situ Rinpoche, a brief introduction about His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche.
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But first is about lineage. Because I already gave you the ¡°lung¡± of Rinchen Terzod: more than two mon\ths yeah? Almost two and a half mon\ths – every morning balah-balah-balah, work hard to give transmission.
But in order to give transmission, first I had to receive transmission. Otherwise no use you know.
There is on\e story - on\e teacher, kind of fake on\e gave reading sacred transmission of the Kangyur Chenmo. It took six mon\ths, morning and afternoon he read. At the end of the transmission, he gave a little speech, a little talk, that fake teacher. He said: "OK, now I already gave you the sacred transmission of the Kangyur Chenmo. It¡¯s 103 volumes, very big volumes, which takes six mon\ths..."
At the end, he said: "Oh, you are so fortunate. You already received this much sacred transmission. Actually you are more fortunate than me because I didn¡¯t receive the transmission. You received transmission and I didn¡¯t receive transmission."
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That¡¯s why I¡¯d like to mention that I received the Rinchen Terzod Chenmo lung from Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche. Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche has two lineages together, on\e from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and on\e from Tenga Rinpoche-two lineages together. Now I¡¯m going to read the names of the lineage masters. I think that at the end, you¡¯re going to get the list of lineage master names and also list of empowerments and sacred transmission\s. You¡¯re going to get them. Don¡¯t worry now.
The root of the lineage masters is Buddha Shakyamuni¡¦ These Termas (hidden treasures) mostly came from Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche)¡¦ Who compounded these Termas into the Terzod? It¡¯s compounded by the1st Jamgon Kon\gtrul Rinpoche¡¦
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But don¡¯t worry. You¡¯re going to get the names at the end of the empowerments. OK, that¡¯s about lineage because the lineage is very import!ant.
Without lineage, you cannot get any blessing. You cannot become Buddha. Even you try to get Buddhahood, there¡¯s no result if you break the lineage¡¦.
Then the secon\d is about how to generate devotion to the teacher because we have such a won\derful, perfect teacher, His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche. He¡¯s a real Buddha, a real living Buddha in the world.
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Of course there are many fake teachers, but fake teacher is useless. If we receive teaching from fake teacher, then everything becomes upside down.

Within authentic teachers, there are also two kinds of authentic teachers. on e is like His Eminence Tai Situ, an emanation of the Buddha and Bodhisattva, a real living Buddha.
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Another case: an ordinary person who practices very well, who meditates very well, then they achieve certain level of enlightenment, maybe first bhumi, secon\d bhumi, or in Mahamudra terms, on\e-pointedness¡¦
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Though they are not real living Buddhas, if we regard them as Buddhas, then we¡¯d receive Buddha¡¯s blessings, even if they are not real living Buddhas. Devotion is very import!ant.
Some of the Rinpoches, even if they are not real emanation\s of Buddha or Bodhisattvas but ordinary person\s, they can give people genuine blessings.
How to generate devotion to them? If you understand that those teachers who are genuine and authentic, all the Buddhas' and Bodhisattvas' blessings will come through their body, speech and mind. All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are within them and bless to you. That¡¯s why the teachers can give blessings as Buddhas do.
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That¡¯s why we have the story about the dog tooth. Have you heard that?
In Tibet, there was on\e mother and son and the son is a businessman. He liked to go to India – where he did a lot of business. The mother asked the son: "Please bring me on\e of Buddha¡¯s relics from India." And the son said: "OK, no problem. I will bring on\e for you." But when he went to India, and he had much success with his business, he forgot his mother¡¯s request.
As soon as he arrived home, the mother asked him: "Where is Buddha¡¯s relic?" He said: ¡°Oh, I¡¯m sorry, I forgot.¡±
The mother cried and said "you have to bring it back next time, please, don¡¯t forget." The son said: "OK, no problem, I will bring it back."
Then he went to India. He had good business, even better than the first time. He totally forgot his mother's request. When he came back home, the mother asked him: ¡°Where is the Buddha¡¯s relic?¡± ¡°Oh, I forgot it again.¡±
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The mother was very, very upset. She told the son: ¡°You have to bring on\e of Buddha¡¯s relics back to me. Otherwise, when you return to Tibet, I will die in fron\t of you.¡± She was so upset.
Then he went back to India again. That time, his business was very successful; much much better than the first two trips. And he totally forgot mother's request again. Then he returned to Tibet, a kind of valley, bottom of mountain; surrounded by hills and mountains. In order to reach his home, he had to go over a cliff, when he reached the top of the cliff, he saw his mother¡¯s house, then he remembered, "Oh, my mother asked me to bring Buddha¡¯s relic. What should I do now?"
At this moment, he saw a dog¡¯s tooth – a big tooth. He put it in a nice box and sent on\e person to tell the mother. "Oh, I bring Buddha¡¯s tooth back and you have to prepare for a reception." The mother thought it was the real tooth of Buddha. She put it on a shrine, everyday she offered and prayed to the dog¡¯s tooth. Actually, it was not Buddha¡¯s relic, but she thought it was Buddha¡¯s relic. In that way, she got supreme blessings.
Normally, holy relic comes from the bon\es of high masters. The mother did get blessings. It definitely didn't mean that the dog tooth was sacred or had power of blessing. It¡¯s because of the devotion of the mother. She had so much devotion that she got blessings.
There are three kinds of devotion – devotion of desire, devotion of purity and devotion of trust.
For example, if you like to go to Africa- there are a lot of desserts. And in the dessert, there is not much water, and you are walking in the dessert from morning to night without water. Then around 4 or 5 pm, when you are really thirsty, you on\ly think about water. In your mind: "water, water, water¡¦ ".
That is like the devotion of desire -the devotion of desire for water.
Then around 7 or 8 o¡¯clock pm, you almost cross the dessert. Then at the end of the dessert, you see a mountain –green color with waterfall, very nice waterfall. At the moment when you see the water, you feel happy, right? "Wah!"
That is an example for the devotion of purity. "Nice, it looks so nice, very cool."
Why do you like to drink the water? Why are you so happy when you see the water? Because you have such a certain understanding- ¡°If I drink the water, it will help me, benefit me.¡± That is an example for the devotion of trust.
This is about the three devotion\s.
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